ARK Alliance

Home of the Archival Resource Key (ARK)


 •  The ARK Tutorial introduces Archival Resource Keys in 30 minutes.
 •  NAAN form to get started creating ARKs or to update your existing NAAN.
 •  See the current and evolving specifications to keep up with the latest.
 •  First ARK paper, Towards Electronic Persistence Using ARK Identifiers, 2003.
 •  General identifier concepts and conventions, first articulated for ARKs.
 •  The Arklet-Frick software package is the Frick Collection’s enhanced version of an Internet Archive tool, which adds bulk operations, suffix passthrough, shoulder rules, extensive metadata, inflections, and more.
 •  ARK Identifier Scheme (v.39) for technical details.
 •  The Archival Resource Key at wikipedia.
The Mazarine Library, Paris, which assigns ARKs under the NAAN 61562 (photo by Marie-Lan Nguyen).

Plug-ins and software

A non-exhaustive scan of open source software modules implementing ARK services turned up this set of packages. Some may not be currently maintained. To get your software listed please let us know about it.

Selected presentations